Life begins at confection

Alright, time for my first post! Not really sure how to go about this properly, but eh. We’ll see where it goes.

This post from Feministing is about a news story involving an Oklahoma senator who wants to ban companies from adding aborted fetuses to food or using them for testing ingredients. You know, because Manwich actually adds little ground-up aborted men into the sauce. Granted you can’t really tell what the hell kind of meat is in there, but that’s besides the point. This senator actually said that “his own Internet research” made him realize he had to do something. Pssh, next thing you know, this senator is going to try and pass a law based off of something he read on The Onion.

At any rate, it definitely wasn’t based on any actual facts. It doesn’t help that he admitted that he was “unaware of any company using such a practice”. Oh, so this is just in case a company thinks that fetus flesh is the next white meat or someone at a state fair decided to deep-fry some fetuses and cover them with sugar and Kool-Aid? Please. This is just another way to make pro-choice people seem like baby-eating monsters. I mean, if you already believe that pro-choicers hate babies and get abortions as often as Dolly Parton gets Botox, believing that they eat fetuses and sneak fetuses into our food isn’t such a far stretch. Besides, it’s not like anti-choice people don’t get abortions. Oh, I’m sorry. They’re “forced to end the pregnancy” for reasons that are much more moral than any filthy baby murderer. Maybe Chick-fil-A will start adding ground up fetuses to their chicken and justify it somehow.

Some anti-choice groups did apparently start protesting some companies for apparently using stem cells in their research, namely Pepsi. Who cares if Pepsi said that they didn’t use human fetuses? Everyone knows that all stem cells come from poor, innocent, aborted human fetuses. Anyone who says otherwise is a filthy baby murderer. You don’t see any “pro-aborts” protesting Pepsi for this, do you? Of course not! It’s because they want you to consume dead babies. It’s all part of their heathen liberal godless communist socialist agenda…thing. Now stop aborting babies or you’ll end up with them in your cheeseburgers!

“No person or entity shall manufacture or knowingly sell food or any other product intended for human consumption which contains aborted human fetuses in the ingredients or which used aborted human fetuses in the research or development of any of the ingredients.”

Note that the bill specifically mentions human fetuses. Animal fetuses are ok and you can do whatever the hell you want with them. Also note that it specifically says fetuses. It also says nothing about embryos. You know, the things that are most often aborted instead of fetuses? Yeah. This guy must believe that there are actually enough fetuses being aborted to be turned into a new kind of burger patty. He does say that his research involved finding out about embryonic stem cells, but nah. Fetuses. It also specifically says aborted fetuses. Who cares about the living fetuses when they aren’t in the woman’s body? I suppose they’re like lobsters and you just boil them alive. So what’s worse? Cooking aborted fetuses or cooking live fetuses? Furthermore, it specifically says products intended for human consumption. You can still put human fetuses in your foundation and lip balm. It’s good for the skin or something. Granted I’m not sure whether or not there’s already a law prohibiting this, but I kind of doubt it. Finally, it specifically says products intended for human consumption. Fetuses in dog food is fine. It’s no different than putting dog fetuses in human food.

It amazes me how anti-choice (I’m assuming he is because he believed this bullshit and because he’s a Republican from Oklahoma) people tend to jump to the stupidest conclusions and believe the stupidest things. Granted that the executive director of an anti-choice group in Oklahoma said that he never heard about aborted human fetuses being used in food and such, but the article never said anything about whether or not he actually supports the bill and whether or not he thinks otherwise now. If it actually is true, I’ll eat my words, but it’s highly unlikely.

Man, I want some fetus cookies now.

About MizKathulu

I'm a psychology student and I write some stuff.

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